
Thanks, Adrian and Jacob

Today Adrian Holovaty and Jacob Kaplan-Moss announced they are stepping down as the BDFLs of Django, a role they've served for nearly nine years. Here are their individual announcements:



I was first introduced to Django in 2007 when I began working for the Lawrence Journal-World. My experience learning Django propelled me into the world of programming and data-driven websites and I haven't looked back since. Together, Adrian and Jacob fostered a tremendous community around the project and it's hard for me to imagine what my career to date would be like if I hadn't stumbled into Django or its community.

I had the pleasure of briefly working with Jacob at the Journal-World and got to know him while living in Lawrence. He's an admirable and conscientious programmer, and I'm extremely grateful for the work he's done and the awareness he's bringing to important social issues in the broader technology community.

It's wonderful watching Django and its community mature. I'm excited to see where it goes from here!

Thanks, Adrian and Jacob.


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